
Consider joining the Baltimore Harp Chapter! We offer three membership levels:

• Regular Member $15 (All regular members are automatically voting members of the chapter.)

• Student Member $10 (Student members must be under the age of 21, or a full-time student. Student members do not have voting privileges within the chapter. All student members can bring a parent with them to events at no additional charge.)

• Student Member + Family Member $15 total (All student members can bring a parent with them to events at no additional charge. However, if the parent of a student member wishes to be highly involved in the chapter and have voting privileges, they can select this option to be designated as a Family Member with voting privileges.)
Membership benefits include:

• free or reduced admission to select harp chapter events
• free listing of harps and accessories for sale on the classified section of our website
• free listing of professional harpists’ name and contact information on our website for gig referral

Membership runs from September 1 through August 30 each year. Thank you for being a member!

To join, please fill out this form.
Payment can be submitted below or by mail with a check made out to “AHS – Baltimore Harp Chapter” to our treasurer (Stephen Belcher-Saunders, 42 East 26th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218) 

OR, Pay for Dues online via PayPal:

Dues are paid each January for the upcoming year.

AHS Baltimore Board

Jacqueline Pollauf, President

Lori Fleming Peters, Vice President

Stephen Belcher-Saunders, Secretary/Treasurer